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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 23, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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because serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. people with certain heart conditions may experience slow heart rate. [ woman ] whenever i needed her, she was there for me. now i'm here for her. [ female announcer ] ask the doctor about your loved one trying the exelon patch. visit to learn more. suzanne malveaux. a bomb was set off in jerusalem. 20 to 30 people injured. militants fired rockets into southern israel. that happened yesterday. israel responded with air strikes. joining us now from jerusalem,
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david horowitz, ed tore of the "washington post." he will be joining us about what's happening on the ground. we're looking at pictures out of jerusalem. you can see the scene there. a lot of questions, chaotic scene as people scramble to safety to figure out what had actually occurred, what took place. this comes amid a great deal of tension in the middle east, and this is just the latest that we have seen this coming out of israel between israelis and the palestinians, a conflict, and as you know, a peace that has not been achieved in that particular area. we are still waiting for more information, but you can tell from the pictures there, folks are on the phone, trying to get information, clearing the streets, the emergency personnel trying to evacuate the scene. we understand that we have a medic who is on the phone now
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who is joining us. sir, can you give us your name? >> i am with the american services. >> where are you now? >> i'm on the scene. we are nearly two hours after the explosion. it occurred a few minutes after 3:00 our time next to a bus stop area where local buses were collecting passengers. the device exploded at the street next to one of the bus stops. 13 people that were waiting for buses at the station. >> was it crowded? >> sorry? >> was it crowded? >> yes, it's a very crowded area all day long, but especially at the time that it happened. it's after school hours, people are beginning to go back from
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their work, taking public transportation, so the area was very crowded at this time. 35 people were injured that were taken to hospitals in jerusalem. one of them is in critical condition, three are severely injured and the rest are lightly to moderately injured from shrapnel and from the explosion itself. they're being treated and examined in the hospitals in jerusalem for about an hour and a half now, and in addition to the medical situation, we also have blood services assigned from our main blood services to the hospitals in jerusalem to reinforce their medical abilities and supply additional blood to them. >> we are learning that so far no one has died from this explosion.
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is that your understanding? >> from what i know, nobody has died at the scene. all the casualties we have taken to the hospital were alive. i hope and a pray that those critically and severely injured will be able to survive their injuries, and we will know more within the next few hours after they will be receiving more treatment in the surgical wards in the hospitals, and then the doctors there will be able to give us better information about their current situation. >> we are seeing pictures now, i know this explosion, you said, happened about 90 minutes ago. can you give us a sense of what is taking place on the street now? it looks like it was quite chaotic. >> well, now traffic is regained.
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police opened the roads, and public transportation is continuing and private cars moving on both sides of the street. there are lots of people gathering around, lots of television and radio reporters in the area, people are still curious to see what happened. fortunately, it's been quite a long time since the last explosion in the city of jerusalem, over seven years, but we've already been through other terrorist attacks in the last few weeks in the area, in other places. it's simply curious to see what's going on, but slowly, norm normality will regain and people will start going home.
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i hope that normal routine will resume in the area. >> we certainly wish you the very best. we thank you for your account there. i want to bring in david horowitz. he is editor of the jerusalem post. david, are you with us? >> i am, yes. >> what happened here? what is your understanding? >> it's becoming quite clear now that this was not a suicide bombing but an explosive device that was left at a bus stop very near the main bus stop in jerusalem. very close to my office where i'm speaking to you now. it exploded when a bus was at the stop. there was something like 20 to 30 people injured, but of them, three or four quite seriously, one of them a woman, we understand, is now fighting for her life. and the police are now trying to find the person who left the bomb. >> do they have any sense? have you talked to anybody who might have seen someone leave the device, or is this just a
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chaotic scene right now? >> it's still fairly chaotic, although this happened, i would guess, more than an hour ago now. i haven't seen or heard anybody who claims to have seen the bomber leaving the device. we have had the various police chiefs and ministers describing the bomb which was left in some kind of wheelie bag, kind of a light roll-on kind of bag quite close to where the bus pulled up. they're trying to work out how come nobody saw it, and they're saying maybe it was left just moments before the bus pulled up. nobody knows a great deal more about that, as far as i know. >> david, you say your office is fairly close to where this happened. what did you actually see or hear? >> unfortunately, our office is very close to the ambulance station and very close to the city, so when things go bang, and they often have in recent
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years, we often hear the explosion. we didn't hear the explosion and then the ambulances beginning to wa wail, and this is a country that has had many more bombings much more terrible. there was a period in 2001, 2 and 3, what's known as the second tafadah, or the terror war, when you knew everyone in jerusalem was trying to kill you. we've had several years of calm, and i think the concern now, apart from the victims of this attack today, is whether this marks the beginning of some kind of new wave of terrorism. >> david horowitz, editor of the jerusalem post, thank you very much. if you have any more details, we'll get back to you on what has occurred there. a bombing we know -- a bottom that was left near a phone booth. 20 to 30 people injured taken to a hospital. a breaking news story we'll be
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following in the next couple hours. nato is meeting on libya today. ministers are expecting to vote on a plan that would take military control of the operation. political control reportedly would remain with the coalition. that gives a voice to two arab states that are not arab members, qatar and arab emirate. they claim gadhafi troops and tank today. they have been under siege for a week today, and they say they cannot hold out much longer. libyans say a massacre is taking place. civilians and rooftop snipers are picking off anybody on the street. > president obama admits that gadhafi could hunker down and keep the peace in libya, but he
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hopes that they will offset and push libya out. >> obviously, we're deciding what steps should be taken. our hope is that the first thing that happens once we've cleared this space is that the rebels are able to start discussing how they organized themselves, how they articulate their aspirations for the libyan people and created a legitimate government. >> gadhafi appeared defiant at a rally at his compound in tripoli last night. he said the libyan people are laughing at the coalition's attacks. >> we are losing the national war against imperialism. i do not care -- nothing scares me. >> well, gadhafi, he's all
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bluster in public, but hillary clinton says the libyan dictator is looking for a way out. clinton spoke with nbc's diane sawyer. >> are you saying there is someone on his behalf reaching out to say, how do we get out? >> this is what we hear from so many sources, diane. it is a constant. >> today. >> today, yesterday, the day before. some of it is my personal opinion, some of it is theater. a lot of it is just the way he behaves. it's somewhat unpredictable. but some of it, we think, is exploring. what are my options? where could i go? what could i do? and we would encourage that. japan's nuclear crisis took another scary turn today. tap water in tokyo, a city of 13 million, is contaminated with radioactive debris. levels are twice now the amount
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considered safe for babies. officials also increased restrictions on food today. 11 types of vegetables tested positive for radioactivity. hong kong today banned food imports from five regions of japan. the government says japanese tu turnips and spinach contained as much as ten times the accepted levels of radiation. black smoke poured from reactor number 3 at the fukushima nuclear plant. that happened today. authorities evacuated workers but say that the radiation levels have not speiked today. two workers were injured while working with an electrical panel, and despite constant setbacks, crews say they're making some progress. >> it has settled down quite a lot compared to the beginning, and we could even begin to see a bright hope that maybe it would somehow work out in a little bit. we are constantly switching over all the time since the work cannot be stopped. here's your chance to talk
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back on one of the day's big stories. president obama signed the health care bill. that happened one year ago. you might remember how polarizing that battle was. that was a tough one. in a new cnn poll released today shows that americans are still basically unchanged in their view of this bill. 37% of americans support the measure, 59% oppose. now, last march, 39% supported this law, 59% opposed. about 13% of those opposed say the bill did not go far enough. well, carol costello is joining us with today's talkback question. i remember covering president obama. he was traveling all the time trying to sell that, and it was a really tough sell. >> was it only a year agatha he signed that bill into law? only a year. it seems like a hundred years ago, right? and it's still going on. talk of angry town halls, and
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it's not over. not by a long shot. the political fight over health care was exhausting, historic. >> the bill is passed! >> on the day it passed, democrats cheered. and on the day president obama signed the health care law, vice president joe biden inadvertently told america just how amazing it was. was it ever. and still is, in so many ways. the health care debate helped field the tea party movement. it paved the way for a shellacing of democrats. it was just this past january that the newly elected republican house voted to repeat what republicans called obamacare. >> the american people flat out rejected to congress to sweep through legislation without engaging the american people. >> and that's not all.
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florida and 25 other states filed lawsuits alleging the affordable health care act is unconstitutional. various judges have ruled in various ways and that surely means a final decision on health care will receive the routine court slap. oh, the memories. this will surely play a role in the 2012 campaign. just this morning mitt romney and tom pawlenty blasted the law, saying it calls for repe s repeals. so today, was the health care battle worth it? i'll read your responses later this hour. >> they said if they just get to know the bill, they'll like it better, that this is a huge accomplishment. but still, a year later. >> it's still a year later, and after all that's happened, isn't it up to the administration to kind of explain what this means to the american people.
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many people don't feel that the administration has done that just yet. >> they're trying. thank you, carol. another breaking news story we're following. legendary movie star elizabeth taylor died today at a hospital in los angeles. she suffered from congestive heart failure. taylor was famous for her striking beauty on screen. and off screen, her eight marriages ended her with lots of notoriety. we're looking for those two men whose fighter jet went down in libya. we'll tell you what we found out. we're going to check out what the disaster in japan has on america here.
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we're going to take a closer look at the situation in syria. and president obama speaks to cnn about some of the pressing issues of the day, including that military operation in libya. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. premier of the packed bag. you know when to hold 'em... and how to fold 'em. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above and still pay the mid-size price. here we are... [ male announcer ] and there you go, business pro. there you go. go national. go like a pro. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow.
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what's happening in japan is also being felt here right at home. we're at the new york stock exchange to talk about some of
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the companies affect by the devastation in japan. allison, what do we know? >> suzanne, we talked about how a lot of car parts are going to be in short supply because of the devastation in japan, and there are other companies that have really big exposure in japan, so it's not just about japan's exports. we're seeing a financial toll hitting other areas. did you know that a big chunk of sales for tiffany's actually comes from japan, and tiffany's, i'm talking about the luxury jewelry maker, has temporarily closed some japanese stores, and it's acknowledged that its sales in japan are falling by the double digits right now in the quarter that we're in. also the luxury handbag maker, coach, also has big exposure in japan. 20% of its sales actually come from that country, and coach also has temporarily closed stores. so we're going to see many of these luxury retailers take a hit with a bit of a surprise. many didn't thirng those big names are such a huge impact on our retail sector here. >> how big an impact do we think
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this is going to be? can they make up for these losses? >> u.s. investors are rattled. coach shares are down 8%, but if you look at the long-term outlook, it looks a little better for these retailers. it's going to take a few months, but japanese contention there will eventually rebound, and what they're doing right now is pushing hard into china trying to grow their businesses. also here in the u.s., we see the demand for luxury goods improving that's rebounding with the economic recovery here in the u.s. suzanne? >> all right, allison, thank you. appreciate it. we want to go beyond the headlines now on the recovery of those two airmen after their fighter jet crashed in libya. we're learning more about how the chain of events played out. u.n. forces rescued the pilot
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and libyans found the weapons officer. >> i am speaking with him and i kiss him and i tell him you are coming for us. you are our brothers. so don't be afraid. you will be safe. we will carry you anyplace you want. >> for more details on the crash and the recovery, i want to bring in our pentagon correspondent barbara starr and also arwa damon who is in bengazi. i want to start with you, barbara, because you were essentially at the site. can you tell us what happened when those two crew members ejected from the plane pair shu -- parachuted to the ground and had no idea they were going to come across some civilians? >> they said they realized the fighter jet was in distress when they saw it crash. everyone living in the area rushed out of their homes,
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combing through. they did manage to find the weapons officer. you heard the colonel talking about in the beginning he was very hesitant to come out, not realizing if he was in friendly oren my territory. eventually he did make it safely out of libya. the colonel did tell us at some point during this rescue effort, whatever it was, the second fighter jet overhead or the other aircraft that came in, fired on civilians. the colonel said he believed it was because they were trying to protect their own men on the ground. five people were wounded, none of them life-threatening, although one man we're told did lose his leg. the population in the area, though, interestingly, not all that upset in the sense that they're very understanding that these servicemen didn't know if they were in friendly oren my territory, the military not knowing if their own men were in friendly or enemy territory. really wanting to put forward a
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message of gratitude, of thanks to the u.s., to france, to all the countries standing with him in the effort. >> tell me, when the plane landed and he was greeted, what happened? >> basically, according to what the colonel is telling us, and eventually, of course, they did find him -- he seemed a business dades, waechbt too talkative f. he said he didn't want to disclose any information about himself. he did originally say he was flying the plane on his own. we know that not to be the case. eventually he was given food, water, we were told he was taken to a hotel, and eventually he was handed over into u.s. custody at some stage. we're not really entirely sure about the detalils on that. suzanne? >> i understand there were chose who kissed him on both cheeks, welcomed him, that he got quite a reception when they found him. >> that's right, suzanne, that's what the colonel told us.
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he wanted to express his gratitude. this was a young man, 27 years old, the age of his own son. they also said when they took him to a civilian air base, the people there began clapping him, welcoming him, everyone really thanking him, realizing that those people, the weapons pilots flying overhead, are taking on a certain amount of risk to protect the libyan population, and people are grateful for that. without that, suzanne, the reality is that they firmly believe that gadhafi's military machine eventually would have massacred all of them. we're already on the front lines to see what the impact of those air strikes would have done. we've just managed to push the front line from 30 miles outside the city to 2 or 3 miles outside the city. air strikes there this morning destroyed three of gadhafi's tanks. so they do realize what the impact of this is, and they do realize and appreciate the risk that those involved are taking.
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>> we thank you very much. barbara, i want you to talk about what awar was saying, that after this plane went down, the u.s. dropped bombs in the area where the pilots landed. can you explain that? >> well, once the pilot was down, suzanne, and saw people approaching him, by all accounts he did say -- perhaps radioed overhead that he needed help. when a u.s. military pilot is down essentially in enemy territory and people are approaching him, he has no way of knowing whether these are friendly forces, enemy forces or whatever. so two marine jets have been fired in that area to keep people back. there was surveillance to try to keep an eye on the pilot. they had already launched a rescue mission to try and come get him, and that was going to put potentially more u.s. rescue forces on the ground.
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these things have a way of escalating, so what they try to do in these situations is very quickly get eyes on the downed pilot, keep their eyes on the downed pilot and keep anyone away from him so they can land, pick up and put them in safety at this point. well, we understand, because they didn't know whether or not this was enemy territory. i understand you have more information about another strike that happened overnight at the crash site? >> indeed, and this was expected. they launched another f-15 onto the wreckage and try to fairly destroy it when they knew there would be no civilians in the area. this is standard procedure. the helicopter, a downed aircraft.
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and, they wanted to do what they could after the fact to destroy it and make sure that some of that classified technology did not fall into gadhafi's hands. of course, the wreckage was on the ground for many hours and civilians, as the pictures show, combing over the wreckage still trying to do the best they could to destroy it and make sure gadhafi's people didn't get their hands on it. >> all right, barbara, appreciate it. elizabeth taylor has died after a battle of congestive heart failure. we're going to look back at the oscar winner. ter because washing in the bargain brand can leave dirt from the wash on your clothes causing your whites to get dingy. new improved tide plus bleach helps to remove the dirt in one wash to bring your whites back to bright. turning white-ish tide plus bleach. style is an option. clean is not.
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getting some breaking news, some information out of libya. a briefing that occurred before, i'm going to read you an e-mail that i have here. commander of british aircraft operating over libya has said that muammar gadhafi's air force, and i'm quoting from an official, no longer exists as a fighting force. that air vice marshal greg bragwell in a briefing with allies said the allies could now operate with near impunity over the skies of libya, essentially saying that the libyan air force has been defeated. they say that they were applying unrelenting pressure on libyan armed forces. i want to bring in retired generous sell oneray to help us
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understand the piece of news we're getting out of this briefing. general, what does that mean? >> well, that's just one more notch in the belt of mr. gadhafi that will he needed to leave, that he has no staff support, he has forces in contact in mizrata and bengazi. it's time for him to leave. the longer he stays, his forces will be destroyed and the will of his people in tripoli he will lose because they will lose their freedom of maneuver. it's time for him to leave. he needs to start negotiating a way out of libya. >> general, is it fair to say that they can actually determine that the libyan air force has been defeated already? it really just has been days, not weeks. how do they measure this? how do they come up with this kind of conclusion already? >> well, not to speak about my sources, but i think it's common knowledge that we've got
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consistent overhead coverage with satellite. now that's combined with capabilities from the aircraft to give reconnaisance updates in those airfields. i think you could just about bet money on the general's report. >> what is the next step now that they believe the air forces have been defeated or destroyed? what needs to happen now? >> i think the hard part now is that we've finished the first quarter of this fight, which is to achieve a superiority and a dominance from the air is the forces in contact in mizrata and those in bengazi on the o outskirts. that fight has been going on for a couple weeks, as i recall, and the forces in contact have been able to get a capability in there that can spot where the armor is, the tanks and the artillery and begin to destroy
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those with precision fires. but that could take some elements on the ground with precisi precision laser systems to be able to pick those off. i see that as the hardest fight right now, suzanne. >> is that why we hear from president obama saying there will be no u.s. ground forces, no boots on the ground from the united states in libya? does that mean we are counting on the french, the british, others, perhaps even arab nations, to put boots on the ground to deal with the fact you still have gadhafi tanks that are rolling through? >> yeah, both the french and the british are very capable. they've got very capable special operations forces that has the capability to do that. it's a function of when and where that capability will be applied based on air dominance and a capability to maneuver at will from air space to be able to prevent him from movement.
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mizrata, as i recall, has been out without water and electricity for several days now, so there is a lot of pain and suffering of the people inside that city, and i would think that would be the next big campaign that the coalition will have to see what they're going to do something about until there is a massacre beyond belief in midtown. >> does it surprise you how quickly the air force was defeated? >> absolutely not. they were a third rank team to start out with. they looked powerful when going up against the freedom fighters, but their capability was not the most air capable in the world. >> it may be too soon to know this, but general, do we have any idea, now that the air forces have been defeated, what is the power, what is the strength gadhafi has now? >> i think the remnants of this force can still do a lot of
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damage inside the urban area. you know, one or two tanks can kill hundreds of people with the capability inside an urban area. an artillery battery that's still operational can kill hundreds of people and destroy infrastructure, so that is still a fight that still has to be completed outside of bengazi and in masaria, as this fight has been going on a couple weeks now. how do you separate those forces and provide close air support inside the urban area? that's a difficult mission, but they got the right people with the right stuff to get it done. i'm convinced over the next couple days, they will clear that area of enemy forces, too. >> all right. generous sell oneray, thank you for your perspective. reports now from a briefing that, in fact, libyan air forces have been defeated, that they have very limited, if any,
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capability at all and what the next steps will be for the nato alliance as well as the united states in libya. also following another breaking news story. this is out of jerusalem. this is a report about an explosion that occurred, a bombing that occurred at a main jerusalem bus station. this was near or outside a phone booth. earlier we learned that there were 20 to 30 who had been wounded. we are now learning from a hospital spokesperson that one woman now has died from the explosion outside that jerusalem bus station. we're going to have more information following that breaking news story as it becomes available. well, the arab world is waiting -- well, we're going to go for a quick break and then we'll fill you in on what's happening in the arab world. a lot of conflict there as well. it's beneful incredibites.
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the arab world is erupting and we're focusing on what these conflicts mean for u.s. interests and safety. first of all, in libya. air strikes have knocked muammar gadhafi on his heels. but it will take a lot more than that to knock him out. the stakes very high. libya has the ninth largest oil reserves and it's a lesson how bloody and difficult the battle for change in the arab world may prove to be. we're also zeroing in on three other countries, yemen, egypt
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ask syria. we're going to start with syria, the main rebel ally. they call them the state sponsor of terror and financial backer to hezbollah. and bigger protests are now expected on friday. we're live in abagabi. do we anticipate this is going to turn into something that could be violent, a bloody conflict? >> well, suzanne, today was already a bloody day. nearly six people killed when security forces opened fire on protestors gathered at a mosque. state television in syria actually had a different version of events. they said armed gangs attacked security forces there, killing three people, including an american ambulance driver. but we're told by witnesses
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there and organizers that they do intend to have larger protests and they're trying to have them across the country on friday. because there was a crackdown today and because we've seen more in the last few days, and because this protest movement really seems to be gaining momentum in syria, it looks like those protests are being planned and will probably come off. what reaction we'll get, i do not know. it is extraordinary to see these kinds of protests in a country with an authority regime like syria. this is a country that's had a near 50-year law that bans any kind of demonstration of this nature. so the fact this is happening really worrying regional neighbors, allies of syria, that this may continue to happen in syria. how will the syrian government react? we just don't know at this stage. >> what happens with syria, probably more of an interest in the u.s. and libya because we know it is financially supporting hezbollah, a state sponsor of terror. if he goes, who is left to
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replace him? >> this is one of the key questions, not just for syria but other questions in the region that are experiencing a similar type of unrest. when we talk about syria, we have to stress the fact that for the u.s., syria is a key player in the middle east despite asab being called a state backer of terrorism, the fact is he has links to lebanon, he has links to iran. he's someone who has tried to come out of years of isolation to the midwest. he also tried to get closer ties to the u.s. and other western powers. so there really is not going to be able to be any kind of comprehensive mideast peace without syria, and if asab is threatened or his regime is threatened, nobody knows what will happen next in that country or how it will affect the unrest. >> we're going to keep a close watch at what's taking place in that country. also, people in tokyo now worried about their tap water. japan's government says that
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radioactive material in the water is over the limit considered safe for babies. [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. i know what works differently than many other allergy medications. omnaris. omnaris. to the nose! did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed and sore throat. [ inhales deeply ] i nipped my allergy symptoms in the bud. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause.
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turning now to the nuclear crisis in japan, the government has expanded now its list of vegetables that show higher than legal levels of radiation. now signs of contamination are showing up in tokyo's water
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supply. radioactive iodine levels are double now what is considered to be safe for babies. and ople are making a run for bottled water. emergency workers at japan's quake damage, fukushima plant had to pull back again today. workers have been scrambling to cool down these fuel rods since the march 11 earthquake and tsunami. i want to go behind the lines and take a look at what the workers at this plant need to do to move forward. michael freelander joins us from hong kong. you've spent 13 years as a senior plant operator. you know how things are supposed to work here. if you were overseeing this response, walk us through what needs to happen this week. what would you do? >> i'm sorry, i didn't catch the question. you faded out.
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>> sure. what would you do if you were the plant operator, you were in charge there? in this next week, what needs to happen to shut these reactors down to make sure this radioactivity doesn't continue to spread? >> well, again, you know, like i said on this and other programs, until we get power restored to the power plant, continuing doing what they have been doing for the last 12 days is, quite honestly, the only game in town. it's absolutely essential that they keep the reactor covered with water as well as continuing to refill it the but getting the power restored and getting the equipment moving so they can get back on track is essential. at that point we can determine the emergency is in the final stages. >> what do we think the timetable is? >> it's a good question, and quite honestly, you're asking me to forecast the future.
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but my best guess as to how this is going to play out is about over the next three, maybe four days or so, basically they're going to be restoring energy little buiit by little bit to eh of the individual power plants. the power source is going to the main control room because that is the main nerve center of the entire plant. once they get that restored, then we have some instrumentation and we can figure out what's going on in the power plant that up to this point has been almost impossible to figure out. then we'll start sending power to individual pieces of equipment, important pumps, important valves, things like that, and then we'll have to analyze the situation, which is basically in the fail-safe mode and get the plant up and running to get to what we call cool shutdown. all in all, i suspect this will take another two to two and a half weeks. and probably around the first week of april or so, we'll be looking at actually having the plant in a stable, cold
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shut-down configuration. >> we'll be following that timetable very closely with you in the weeks to come. very quickly here, there are new reports now about the danger to the food and tap water in tokyo. how serious is this? >> well, you know, as the government in japan reported today, you know, clearly we are over the recommended limits for children. it is not a matter for adults, not a matter for adults to be worried about. the reality of the situation is here, dr. sanjay gupta said earlier today there is very clearly a gap between anxiety and the science of what's behind long-term low level exposure to low levels of radiation. >> all right. >> and so -- >> michael, we appreciate your time. we're obviously going to be following your timetable to see if those reactors are shut down, if the radiation stops and, of course, concerns to the water
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and food. thank you, michael. it is the one year anniversary of the passage of health care reform. and you're weighing in on our talkback question. your responses are straight ahead. [ male announcer ] opportunity is a powerful force. set it in motion... and it goes out into the world like fuel for the economy. one opportunity leading to another... and another. we all have a hand in it. because opportunity can start anywhere,
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and go everywhere. let's keep it moving. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with amazing innovation, driven by relentless competition, wireless puts the world at your command. ♪
11:53 am
>> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects, and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. legendary movie star elizabeth taylor died today at a los angeles hospital. she suffered from congestive heart failure. taylor was famous for her
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striking beauty on screen and off screen her eight marriages earneder endless notoriety. she won two academy awards and became an international star just at the age of 12. a biographer called her the last movie star. we want to hear from you. what do you think elizabeth taylor's legacy will be? send us a message to we'll read your responses this hour. in the next hour, we'll hear from james earl jones, who worked with her.
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here's your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. president obama signed the health care bill one year ago today. and that is the topic of today's talkback question. our carol costello has more on that. hi, carol. >> seems like a million years ago he signed that bill into law. the talkback question today, was the health care battle worth it, a year later? this from darryl, as a person living with hiv who has seen their health insurance canceled and rejected by every insurance carrier since i can say with absolute certainty, yes. this from jesse, no, the health care battle was not worth one iota of president obama's political capital that he earned following his sweeping win.
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way in which the matter was dealt with and forced through the congress made me a former supporter of his ashamed of the politicians in washington that were supposed to bring in change. i liken this administration to that of george w. bush in certain i was. this from ricardo. it is a law for all. what happened is that big health insurance providers, big political campaign donors wanted a piece of the pie, a big piece, leaving out many needy people to feed their own greed. this is from tom, mitt romney blasted the law. what about romney care in massachusetts? continue the conversation. and see you in about ten minutes. >> okay, ten minutes. we'll take a quick break. see you in ten. all right, thanks. [ male announcer ] there's just something about werther's caramel that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ magic [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like.
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[ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. st: uld switching to geico reon car insurance?more host: is the pen mightier than the sword? ninja 2: ow vogeico. 15 minutes uld save you 15% or more on car insurance. a company-wide memo about the meeting? uh-huh. this is the meeting. we are the company. don't sweat it. i just switched us to sprint, so e-mail, web...on 4g... it's all unlimited. [ cellphone buzzes ] you just texted me to read the memo? unlimited text too. we really need you on this conference call. rick, it's lyle. rickster? i'm here. there he is! [ male announcer ] switch to sprint and get unlimited 4g data on a wide range of devices. sprint 4g, it's business without limits. trouble hearing on the phone? only on the now network. visit
12:00 pm
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top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get you up to speed. a terror attack in jerusalem. a bomb attached to a phone booth exploded as a bus drove by. officials now say one person has died, almost 30 people were wounded. some critically. today's bombing follows rising tensions between israel and the palestinians. militants of gaza fired rockets into southern israel yesterday. israel responded with air strikes. in libya, coalition
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warplanes bombed moammar gadhafi's fighters in misratah today. the town has been under assault for days now and members appear on the brink of defeat. the u.s. military says gadhafi's air defenses and air force are largely ineffective after days of coalition strikes. despite bombs falling around it, gadhafi remains defiant and insists he's going to win this battle. last night, libyan state tv showed what it said was a live gadhafi rally at his tripoli compound. >> translator: we will be winners in this fight. we will not give up. they will not terrorize us. we are making fun of their rockets. >> nato ministers are expected to vote on a plan today to take military control of the libyan operation. now, political control reportedly will stay with the coalition. and what that means, it gives a
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voice to nonnato countries, the arab states of qatar and the united arab emirates. president obama in an interview with cnn stressed the mission's narrow focus. >> we have a limited task, a focused task and we have saved lives as a consequence. and, you know, i think the american people don't see any contradiction in somebody who cares about peace, also wanting to make sure that people aren't butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power. egypt's stock market opened today for the first time since late january. an analyst had predicted an ugly day. well, they were right. egypt's market ended the trading day down almost 9%. witnesses say syrian security forces gunned down protesters outside a mosque
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today, killing six people in the city of daraa. syrian state tv tells a different story. it reports that armed thugs attacked police. the newscast showed weapons and ammunition allegedly stored at the mosque. black smoke poured from reactor number three at the fukushima nuclear plant today. now, authorities, they're not sure why that happened. they evacuated workers, but they say radiation levels have not spiked. despite constant setbacks, crews say they are making some progress. >> translator: it settled down quite a lot compared to the beginning and we can even begin to see a bright hope that maybe somehow it will work out in a little bit. we are constantly switching over all the time. since the work cannot be stopped. >> the united states is banning dairy, vegetables and fruit produced in the region of japan
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nearest the fukushima nuclear plant. hong kong went a step further today it banned food imports from five regions of japan. and in tokyo, officials say radioactive substances in tap water now is twice the level that is safe for babies. they say parents should not use tap water to prepare infant formula and that led to a run on bottled water. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is joining us from new york now to kind of put this all into perspective here. elizabeth, you hear these reports, just how bad is this problem in japan? >> you know, if you live in that area or if you live anywhere between that area and tokyo, around there, it is definitely an issue as you just said. they're telling parents don't make infant formula with water and they're saying that the levels are okay for adults to eat, of course, we're bigger and can sustain more radiation, however, the runs that we're seeing in stores in tokyo tell you that, you know, this is
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probably more than just patients of infants going out there and hoarding the water, understandably. the government is telling people to please don't hoard bottled water. >> what about the reports of the issue with the food supply? >> right. there are no more experts -- exports rather coming from the four prefectures around the plant. they say, you know, we're not going to send out any more milk, any more leafy vegetables or certain kinds of fruits. and literally what happens is radiation is in the air and it falls on this produce. if there is no protective layer like, say, with an orange, then there is nothing to prevent you from eating it. so you see there milk, leafy greens and certain fruits, they're not sending it out of that region. >> now, elizabeth, should we be concerned? should americans be concerned about our food supply? >> you know, suzanne, i know a lot of people are and i'm here to tell you there is no reason to be concerned. first of all, the united states isn't taking in any foods or drinks from that area of japan.
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so that's first of all. you're not going to see it here. second of all, very little food and drinks are imported from japan anyhow. and thirdly and most importantly, i know that people think, wow, radiation from japan has hit the west coast. and there is no question, that's true. but i want to tell you something that a professor -- when i was in public health school told me, and that is the solution to pollution is dilution. that pollution is so diluted, that it isn't causing any kind of a health threat at all to the people in the united states. and even if it were to fall on agriculture, it is in such tiny amounts that it is not hurting people. >> elizabeth, we'll remember that. thank you very much. appreciate it. here is your chance to talk back on one of the day's big stories. president obama signed the health care bill a year ago, you may recall.
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you remember how polarizing that battle with a. a new cnn poll released today shows americans are basically unchanged in their view of the bill. 37% of americans support the measure. 59% oppose. we'll look at last march, 39% supported the law and 59% opposed. about 13% of those opposed say the bill did not go far enough. carol costello joins with us the talkback question. carol, i remember president obama traveling all over the country trying to sell this plan and the main point was the more americans learn about it, they'll like it. >> well -- >> a year later -- >> a year later, as the poll showed, many americans don't like it and don't understand it, quite frankly. i can't believe it was just a year ago he signed that bill into law. it seems like a thousand years ago. the health care battle has been polarizing, though. think angry town halls, talk of death panels, and congressmen from both sides insulting their opponents. and it is not over. not by a long shot. the political fight over health care was exhausting, historic.
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>> the bill is passed! >> on the day it passed, democrats cheered. and on the day president obama signed the health care law, vice president joe biden inadvertently told america just how amazing it was. >> this is a big [ bleep ] deal. >> was it ever and still is, in so many ways. the health care debate helped fuel the tea party movement. >> i told john boehner -- >> it paved wait for a shellicing for democrats in the midterm elections and the prepercussions continue. it was this past january that the newly republican-led house voted to repeal what republicans call obama care. >> the american people flat out reject a congress that jams through sweeping legislation without engaging the american people. >> and that's not all. florida and 25 other states filed lawsuits alleging the affordable health care act is unconstitutional. various judges have ruled in various ways and that surely
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means a final decision on health care will land in the u.s. supreme court. the memories, it will surely play a role, health care i'm talking about, in the 2012 campaign. this morning, mitt romney and tim pawlenty blasted the law saying it infringes on individual rights and calling for its repeal. so, talkback today, was the health care battle worth it? write to me at and, of course, i'll read your responses later this hour. >> thank you, carol. well, a sad story, legendary movie star elizabeth taylor died today from congestive heart failure. she was 79 years old. there are so many memorable roles where she was -- here she is with soon to be husband richard burton in "cleopatra" in 1963. >> you come here running over with wine and self-pity to
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conquer caesar. >> taylor used the role to become the first actress to command a million dollars for a film. taylor is considered the last major star to come out of the old hollywood studio system. here's what's ahead on the rundown. explosions and antiaircraft fire rock libya's capital. we'll go live to tripoli. and it takes a lot of money to wage a war. we'll find out how much it is costing for the military operation now in libya. and egypt takes another step to get back on its feet after unrest there. the stock market in cairo is open again. ood? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving.
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we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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t adththod it's dif - alcium crhea
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u.s. and coalition forces say libya's air defenses and air force are now largely ineffective. the plane carried out more than 50 air strikes in the last 24 hours. want to go live to our cnn international correspondent nic robertson in tripoli. give us a sense of what this means, the coalition says now that it has near impunity in the skies. is that the sense you're getting on the ground? >> reporter: well, you know, last night was the first night just before dawn where we thought we could hear pretty clearly the sounds of jets flying over the city, not so low, but we also had a couple of
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explosions after. and that seemed to us to indicate that coalition forces can operate over even tripoli now. we know the no-fly zone extended from the east around benghazi and the rebel areas there, and all the way along the coast past misratah where they're still fighting and all the way up here to tripoli. so it should allow the coalition precision attacks using coalition aircraft now, rather than sort of standoff missile systems that fly over the country and keep an eye on what aircraft are coming from what location. and also in misratah, for example, where gadhafi forces and armed rebels are sort of in a very tight fight inside an urban environment, it should allow the coalition to get much better eyes there, one would imagine, with drone aircraft that can sort of spy on the situation below without being shot down and therefore allow a much more precise targeting of
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gadhafi's forces. >> what is the feeling on the ground there, among the libyan people, about what has happened? are they bolstered by this news? do they feel like they are now winning? they're on the other side of this? >> reporter: in the capital here, particularly as a tv crew, people really don't want to even opposition people really don't want to be seen associating with us or even sort of talking to us, particularly on camera because they're afraid that the government will come after them and perhaps arrest them. i'm thinking back to two weeks ago when a taxi driver who picked us up here and drove us across the city didn't even express any opinions to us. he was arrested and detained for well over a week. so people are rightly afraid to be seen associating and talking with us. but certainly we know there are plenty of people here in the city that are opposed to the regime. but the way people explain the situation to us here is if they
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are opposed to the regime, they tell us that, you know, they're very concerned about the way that the fighting may progress. they're worried about what happens next, will there be a wider conflict, are their children safe, all these sorts of things, will there be enough food, all these issues. but from the sort of loyalists around the government and the government itself, we're not really hearing any cracks in the leadership here at the moment. but certainly there is a high level of anxiety about what is going to come, is there going to be a cease-fire, will there be talks or will this descend into a wider war? >> nic robertson on the ground for us in tripoli. a lot of unanswered questions, fears and anxieties there, but clearly the allied forces believe that they have defeated moammar gadhafi's air force. well, yemen is being rocked by violent protests and instability in this arab nation could be trouble for the united states. we're going to tell you why. met gravy. and she agrees.
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violence is rocking the arab world. we're focusing on what the conflicts mean for u.s. interests and safety. in ilibya, air strikes knocked moammar gadhafi on his heels. it will take more than that to knock him out. the stakes very high. libyas that the ninth largest oil reserves, a lesson in how bloody and difficult they may
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prove to be. we're zeroing in on three other countries as well, yemen, egypt and syria. i want to head to yemen first, a country that could gain steam as a dangerous hotbed for al qaeda. michael holmes is here to talk about the looming threat and the unrest that this country poses. yemen was on our radar, we realized this was back in the christmas -- the attempted christmas bombing, what many people call the underwear bomber, and we know that this is a potential threat, a hotbed for terrorist activity. >> a lot of attempts to come out of yemen, attempts against the united states, against saudi arabia, their neighbors. why is yemen like this? in a word, poverty, that's the biggest one. yemen, one of the poorest nations in the world, the poorest in the region. the people are desperate. you take that and also a lot of corruption. that's what is driving these protests. that's what makes yemen also ripe for al qaeda influence. there is already a significant al qaeda presence in the country. and the government has been
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working with the united states in combatting it. now, if the government falls there is no viable strong alternative waiting in the wings to move in. al qaeda would be thrilled and they would thrive in the chaos. the west would then find itself without any allies in that country to help in the battle. >> you would think that the obama administration would be thrilled to get rid of a dictator here in this country. and this leader in particular has been really key when it comes to fighting the war on terror. >> absolutely. it is another one of those things where the self-interests of the united states is that we really would like him to stay because he's being so helpful. there is a paradox in a lot of these uprisings as well. president saleh, he's a linchpin in what is and what was before all of this a deeply unstable country. rebellion in the north, secession in the south, al qaeda in the middle. it is the ancestral home, in fact, of osama bin laden.
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the current home of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. it is the hq, if you like. al qaeda regrouped in yemen after being forced out of saudi arabia. that was after 9/11. and, you know, you see several terror attacks that have emanated from yemen since. now, saleh has been an ally of the united states. and an unstable one, though. if he does step down or he's thrown out after 30 years of power, it is still unclear who would step in. and what the west could hope for from any new leader in terms of cooperating when it comes to the war on terror. >> a hotbed. >> it is very important. >> we'll be watching very, very closely. we'll talk about some others as well. thank you, michael. >> good to see you. >> how safe are nuclear's power plants? there is one near new york city that sits right on top of a fault line. we'll take you to the indian point nuclear plant for an unbelievable look inside.
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12:25 pm
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here's what's ahead on the rundown. the nuclear industry in the spotlight after the disaster in japan. we're going to go inside a u.s. nuclear plant to find out if it is prepared for an earthquake. plus, the cost of war. we're going to find out what it takes to run a military operation like the one against libya. and gate parents in the bible belt. we'll look at the challenges they face. as the world watches nuclear crisis unfold in japan, questions now about nuclear safety are being raised here in
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the united states. the nuclear regulatory commission has its eye on more than two dozen power plants, including the indian point nuclear facility, that's about 35 miles from new york city. cnn's allan chernoff has been granted exclusive access and will take us inside indian point. allan, give us a sense of whether or not this plant can either withstand a earthquake as powerful as the one that hit japan. do we even know? >> reporter: well, suzanne, there is no building in this area that has been put up to handle a 9.0 earthquake and seismologists say that is not even in the cards over here. what we did enter the number three unit of the indian point nuclear plant yesterday, we walked through 11 feet of concrete and steel into the big dome, and saw workers replacing the nuclear fuel rods. they do this every two years. very, very delicate work, of
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course. and i asked the plant manager right there whether the plant can handle the most severe quake that seismologists have forecast for this area. do you believe that this structure can withstand as much of a punch as mother nature is going to deliver? >> we believe this structure is designed to withstand as much of a punch is expected to happen in this area, that's correct. >> what about unexpected? >> unexpected, you know, we believe it is greater than a 6 it can handle. we believe we can handle a 7 earthquake. >> you believe you can handle a 7.0 earthquake? >> yes, we do. >> the worst quake ever in this region was a 5.3 back in the 1880s, suzanne. >> what are the risks to this plant, do we know? >> hurricane is really the biggest risk. and what they need to do there is keep the power going. let's have a look at the pools that hold the nuclear fuel. we stepped right above these as some of those fuel rods were
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being inserted, taken out, and then sent through a canal to the plant, hopefully we can come up with that video right now, a very, very interesting scenario, the pool is very, very, very delicate, of course. we're not looking at the pool right there. but nonetheless, that's inside the nuclear core. and essentially what they need to do here is make sure that no matter what problem they have, the power stays on. they have got three backup generators for each unit. they have got a backup to the backup. they have diesel fire pumps. they have all sorts of contingen contingencies. they spend lots of time at the plant just planning for disasters. hopefully those don't come. suzanne, it is a very interesting place. as you know, the governor wants to shut it down. >> do we know if they lost power before, have they had these kinds of problems? >> actually, about three weeks ago, one of the units did lose power. diesel generators jumped in
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right away, and it wasn't even noticed, wasn't noticed to the electrical grid. but the diesel backup generators were able to handle the problem and also during the 2003 blackout, they also had to turn those backup diesel generators to keep those nuclear rods cooled. that's the essential thing here. the pumps run by electricity, circulate water, keep the rods cool. otherwise they can evap wait the wat evaporate the water in the pools and there is potential for the melt ju meltdown like we have seen in japan. fortunately nothing like that has happened here. >> thank you, allan. president obama says he hopes that libya's opposition movement can regain momentum and force moammar gadhafi from power. but the president discussed the u.s. mission in libya in an interview with our spanish language network, cnn.
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>> gadhafi may try to hunker down and wait it out, even in the face of a no-fly zone, even though his forces have been degraded. but keep in mind that we don't just have military tools at our disposal in terms of accomplishing gadhafi's leaving. we put in place strong international sanctions. we have frozen his assets. we will continue to apply a whole range of pressure on him, but with respect to the military action, that specifically is done under the u.n. security council resolution and calls for maintaining the no-fly zone and ensuring the people of libya aren't assaulted by their own military. >> can you, will you give military support to the rebels? >> well, you know, obviously we're discussing with the coalition what steps can be taken. i think that our hope is that
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the first thing that happens once we have cleared this space is that the rebels are able to start discussing how they organize themselves, how they articulate their aspirations for the libyan people, and create a legitimate government. and, you know, potentially what we may see is that all the enthusiasm of the libyan people had for a change in government that was occurring a few weeks ago, but that gadhafi through just brutal application of force, you know, made people fearful, that that can resurface. and it may be that it is not a matter of military might, but instead an idea that has come to the libyan people that it is time for a change that ends up ultimately sweeping gadhafi out of power. remembering one of
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hollywood's most celebrated superstars. elizabeth taylor has died at age 79. we're going to talk about her life with -- and her career with actor james earl jones. [ sneezing ]
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census bureau numbers show that gay, black and latino
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couples are twice as likely to be raising children than gay white couples. perhaps more surprising is wherwhere many same sex parents call home. david mattingly has the story in today's what matters. >> which one is the loudest soccer mom. that's what i would like to know? >> me. >> good job. >> at the soccer field, they're two moms cheering for the same child. but in church -- ♪ laetitia and her partner misty are part of a new face on the old bible belt. same sex couples raising children, turning to progay churches for support and acceptance. >> okay, we're gay, we're lesbian, but our god still loves us, no matter what. >> reporter: a surprising ucla study of the 2010 census reveals same sex couples in the south are more likely to be raising children than similar couples even on the west coast.
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san antonio is number one. number two, jacksonville. it took one phone call to find out why. why is this happening in the south of all places? >> gay and lesbian people tend to come out later in life in those areas which means they're actually more likely to have children early from a prior relationship earlier in their lives. >> reporter: he cites another big reason, southern progay churches reaching out to minorities and creating safety nets for the entire family. not all churches are happy to hear about this trend. this, in fact, is one of them here in the jacksonville area. the leader of this church is calling on pastors all over the city to pray. >> i believe that they should be preaching a positive message that jesus is right. >> reporter: and that these couples, they should not have gay relationships? >> i believe that the couples in the church that have a personal relationship with the lord jesus christ, that would bring a conviction that jesus taught and
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the scriptures teach that marriage is between a man and a woman. simple. >> reporter: but not so simple for people like laetitia, raising her three biological children with her partner, misty. >> hetero, homo, doesn't matter, either way. it is a great support system. >> today, today. >> reporter: and their pastor believes happy parents start with happy children. the focus is the children. >> yes. absolutely. the children being able to serve god with their families and not being judged. >> reporter: it wasn't too long ago that gay and lesbian couples might have thought it was too risky to bring their children to church with them. this jacksonville church was firebombed three times back in the 1980s. now it is a place for family worship and youth groups, signs of the times in a changing bible belt. david mattingly, cnn, jacksonville, florida.
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>> defense secretary robert gates is in cairo as the u.s. attempts to preserve critical ties to the new egyptian government. we're going to have more on egypt's uncertain future. [ female announcer ] it's lobsterfest. when we turn lobster into irresistible creations like our new lobster-and-shrimp trio with a parmesan lobster bake, our decadent lobster lover's dream and eleven more choices. right now at red lobster.
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a company-wide memo about the meeting? uh-huh. this is the meeting. we are the company. don't sweat it. i just switched us to sprint, so e-mail, web...on 4g... it's all unlimited. [ cellphone buzzes ] you just texted me to read the memo? unlimited text too. we really need you on this conference call. rick, it's lyle. rickster? i'm here. there he is!
12:41 pm
[ male announcer ] switch to sprint and get unlimited 4g data on a wide range of devices. sprint 4g, it's business without limits. trouble hearing on the phone? only on the now network. visit as the arab boworld boils or in unrest and conflict, we take closer look at syria and yemen, now more on egypt.
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protests in egypt resulted in historic change in the largest arab nation in the world. but the anger is far from over. and the future there is still very much uncertain. egypt was a strong american ally before president hosni mubarak yielded to the protests and stepped down. defense secretary robert gates is in cairo today to make sure that that relationship is preserved. the united states gives $1.3 billion in military aid each year to egypt and stability there could be crucial to stability throughout the rest of the arab world. aaron watson is live in cairo. i note stock market today reopened, a stable economy critical to a stable government. what do we know about the state of affairs? >> reporter: just before i start, i want to just point, suzanne, to an announcement we just have gotten from the state-run newspaper here, announcing that the supreme
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counsel of the armed forces, the military is governing this country after the fall of hosni mubarak, announced it will -- is criminalizing protests and organizers of demonstrations. they can now face jail sentences or stiff fines if they try to organize protests along the lines of the democratic uprising that we saw in cairo and in other cities across the country. that's a pretty serious development as we're also getting reports from a number of former revolutionaries and human rights groups that people who come out and speak out and demand changes, additional changes, have been rounded up by the military that now run this country and some of them i'm increasingly hearing about have been subjected to torture while in military custody. so from these allegations, some of the old practices of the former police state now appear to be carried out by
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representatives of the military state. moving on to -- >> that sounds like a very serious setback. that sounds like a very serious setback for the people there in egypt who have certainly hoped for revolutionary change. >> reporter: yeah. the concerns about the detentions of activists out in the streets, we're hearing increasingly about this. people who i interviewed in tahrir square a month and a half ago before the fall of hosni mubarak or immediately afterwards in that burst of idealism and hope, one of them subjected to gruesome beatings inside the walls of the egyptian museum after a crackdown by the military on may 9th. i just spoke with another egyptian woman who claimed to have been stripped naked by military interrogators and subjected to a virginity test,
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this was reported in amnesty international today, that about 18 women protesters detained on march 9th were subjected to these kinds of tests. they're harrowing accounts and not the type of things you would expect to hear after this revolution. and i do have to point out that as a journalist moving around, just yesterday we covered the aftermath of a fire that erupted on the top floors of the interior ministry here. the soldiers that were trying to restore order there were grabbing cameras from journalists on the scene. a month ago i was nearly arrested and had my camera seized by an army officer. so peace and democracy has not quite broken out as some may have expected certainly in the streets of egypt and at the capital yet. >> that seems like worrisome signs. we appreciate the update and please keep us posted on what is taking place on streets of cairo and throughout egypt. it looks like things may be
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going backwards under this military rule. ivan watson there in cairo. thank you. well, remembering one of hollywood's most celebrated superstars. elizabeth taylor has died at age 79. we're going to talk about her life and her career with actor james earl jones. was looking at, he wanted a curriculum designed to meet market needs, with faculty who brought real-world perspective on where the business world was headed and the practical experience to help him make an impact. my name is sean blankenship, i'm making the electric car more accessible, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business at [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business host: could switching to geico 15% or more on car insurance? host: do dogs chase cats? ♪ 70's era music sfx: tires squealing
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hollywood is mourning the loss of a superstar, elizabeth taylor has died at age 79. taylor's publicist says she died peacefully at the cedars-sinai hospital in los angeles. over the years, taylor had suffered a number of health problems. just six weeks ago she was in the hospital for congestive heart failure. brooke anderson looks back on taylor's star-studded career and often dramatic personal life. >> reporter: elizabeth taylor was called one of the most beautiful women in the world. her violet eyes lit up the screen in memorable roles. >> so much is said with the electricity of eyes, the intensity of a whisper. less is more. >> reporter: her highly
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publicized real life sagas were punctuated by eight marriages to seven different men. richard burton twice. taylor's first union took place before she turned 18, to hotelier nicky hilton. she married michael wilding, producer mike todd and singer eddie fisher. taylor was blamed for breaking up fisher's marriage to america's sweetheart debbie reynolds. but her marriages to richard burton, first lasting ten years, became even more sensational fodder for the press. >> i think he's one of the finest actors on -- sorry. her other marriages included virginia senator john warner and finally construction worker larry fortensky, who she divorced in 1996. her personal dramas often drew attention away from an accomplished film career. the british borne taylor rode into moviegoers hearts's child actress in 1944 with "national velvet." >> oh, you're a pretty one.
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>> reporter: the actress downplayed her abilities. >> i, along with the critics, have never taken myself very seriously. my craft, yes, but as an actress, no. >> reporter: still, taylor received five academy award nominations, twice winning best actress honors for her role as a call girl in "butterfield eight" in 1960 and as an ornery alcoholic wife in "who's afraid of have woolf" in 1966. through the years taylor battled a litany of health woes from her struggle with substance abuse to a chronic bad back, to respiratory problems. the replacement of both of her hips and removal of a brain tumor. taylor was recognized for her tireless effort to educate the public about aids, a battle prompted in part by the death of close friend rock hudson in 1985. >> this is something that is a catastrophe that belongs to all of us.
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it isn't a thing that belongs to a minority group any longer. >> reporter: taylor helped found amfar, the american foundation for aids research, established the elizabeth taylor aids foundation. later she publicly befriended michael jackson, appearing with the singer several times and supporting him to an often critical press. she called him wonderful, but that was before his trial and ultimate acquittal on child molestation charges. through all her hurt, physical and emotional, liz taylor will stand as one of hollywood's most giving and glamorous superstars. brooke anderson, cnn, los angeles. >> she was something else. superstar actor james earl jones who worked with taylor and, of course, is the voice of cnn, he joins us now by phone. what do you remember best about elizabeth taylor? >> you know, i watched richard
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and elizabeth, where she played kate and he was in shakespeare's e "taming the shrew." they were a perfect match. i had a chance to work with them both and the movie was in africa, in a former french colony in africa, now called benin. and i had a chance to work with mainly richard but they were starring on equal footing. and the friendship, i think, began there, partly because of my own squareness. they gave a reception, they
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introduced me to the cast, which included sicily tyson and charlie kennes and a great bunch of world famous actors and actresses. and i was the only sort of novice in the company. i'm sitting beside this attractive lady, on a sofa in the hotel lounge, waiting for this reception to start. and i said to someone, so when does elizabeth taylor arrive? and i'm sitting right next to her. she looks at me and smiles. i guess she thought i was trying to make a funny. i wasn't. i didn't know who i was sitting next to. >> you were sitting next to elizabeth taylor. >> i didn't know i was sitting next to elizabeth taylor. i think our friendship probably started then without really knowing it.
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she could have slapped the heck out of me. >> we saw, mr. jones, a picture of you at the kennedy center honors in 2002 with miss taylor k you give us a sense of what that was like to be around her? >> it was -- well, she had to go visit the jewelsman in the lobby. and that was elizabeth. my wife got to know her then too. and they formed a fast friendship. it was what she called a late friendship, they're very rare in life. and i was happy to reunion with her and which then led to my chance to read with her for her aids foundation, her performance in "love letters." and i witnessed her and joy tillinger directed us and thank god he was there because she leaned on him. she didn't want to do it but she felt she had to, something to raise funds, and she trusted me, i believe, i hope, to really
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stand by her. and we got through it. but not only got through it, she began to blossom and she felt that audience response. and i don't know how long it had been since she had done a stage production, but she felt the electricity between herself and the audience and it was wonderful to see. >> mr. jones, thank you very much for your recollections. she was truly a special talent. really appreciate it. >> thank you very much. we're going to take a quick break.   
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here is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. president obama signed the health care bill one year ago today. and that is the topic of today's talkback question. our carol costello is here with your responses. >> curious about what people would say to this question. the talkback question, was the health care battle worth it. this from john. it was worth it, it shows us to what length big business will go to protect their profits versus what is best for america as a whole. the general public is easily hoodwinked by flashy ads that are mostly false and misleading that feed on stereotype fears and beliefs that are not even true. this from alexander. was this time wasted? yes. a terrible bundle of confusion was voted on and passed. i feel if the bill had been single payer, it would have failed. but democrats would have had a


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